
Poll Watcher Requirements

Poll watcher forms must be submitted to the Supervisor of Elections at least 14 days before early voting begins and no later than noon on the second Tuesday preceding the election.

All forms must be completed in full using one form per polling room and provided in precinct order. The candidate, committee or party chairman must sign each form submitted. If a campaign has designated a person as the poll watcher coordinator, that person's name and telephone number must also be provided.

A copy of the form will be returned to the candidate, committee or party after verification of the applicant's status as a qualified registered voter in Brevard County. The poll watcher must present that copy as authorization to enter the polling place on Election Day.

No candidate, sheriff, deputy sheriff, policeman or other law enforcement officer may be designated as a poll watcher.

Each candidate, committee and political party may appoint one poll watcher per early voting site or polling place during the hours the polls are open.

Poll watcher appointment forms are available online or can be obtained from the Supervisor of Elections Office. All forms must be returned to the Elections Office either in person at the Viera office (2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Bldg C, Suite 105) or by mail at PO Box 410819, Melbourne, FL 32941-0819, by fax at 321-633-2130, or by email at If you have questions about the forms, call the Elections Office at 321-290-VOTE (8683).

Poll Watcher Instructions:

  • Upon arrival, Poll Watchers should present their approved Poll Watcher application to the Precinct Clerk.
  • Poll Watchers may watch and observe the conduct of the electors and officials, but they may not walk freely throughout the polling location.
  • Poll Watchers are not permitted to use the precinct phone. Poll Watchers need to furnish their own materials and necessities, including chairs.
  • Poll Watchers must inform the Precinct Clerk if they wish to challenge an elector's right to vote and complete an "Oath of Person Entering Challenge of Voter."
  • Poll Watchers should inform the Precinct Clerk if they see or hear anything that does not comply with election law. If a Poll Watcher does not feel the Precinct Clerk has addressed their complaint, they are encouraged to call the Elections Office at 321-633-2166.
  • Poll Watchers may not interact directly with a voter. Questions regarding procedures must be directed to the Precinct Clerk for resolution.
  • Cameras, radios, televisions, or newspapers are not permitted in the polling room or early voting site.
  • Poll Watchers are not permitted to wear any item supporting or advertising for any political party, candidate, or issue.
  • Poll Watchers are not permitted to be closer to the Elections Officials' table or the voting booths than is reasonably necessary to perform their duty.
  • Poll Watchers may not obstruct the orderly conduct of the election.

321-290-VOTE (8683)
1-833-803-0613 (Spanish - Toll Free)

400 South Street
Titusville, FL 32780

2725 Judge Fran
Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940

1515 Sarno Road
Melbourne, FL 32935

Palm Bay
450 Cogan Drive SE
Palm Bay, FL 32909