
How to Vote Your Ballot

Examine your ballot and read the ballot instructions carefully before voting. Check for contests on both sides of the ballot card. Using black ink, record your vote by completely darkening the oval to the left of your choice like this:

Fill in the oval completely

Do not vote for more candidates than the number allowed in each race as indicated by the "Vote for" statement (for example: "Vote for One") or your votes in that race will not count. Do not:

  • sign your name on the ballot
  • use tape
  • tear or cut any portion of your ballot
  • erase marks
  • make any stray marks
  • circle the oval or the candidate's name instead of darkening the oval
  • mark the oval with checkmarks, X's, or dashes

If you mistakenly mark your ballot, or change your mind about your vote in a race after you have marked your ballot, please do not hesitate to ask for a new ballot. Otherwise, your vote may not count.

If you do not vote for any candidates or vote for more candidates than are allowed in a contest, only that contest will be affected; any other contests in which the allowed number of candidates are selected will be counted. When Early Voting or voting in your precinct, the tabulators will alert you that you have made a mistake, and offer you the chance to correct your ballot.

If there is a write-in line provided in a race and you wish to vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, fill in the oval and write in the candidate’s name on the blank line provided. Votes for non-qualified write-in candidates will not be tabulated.

If you have questions, or need assistance at the polls, please ask a poll worker for help.

321-290-VOTE (8683)
1-833-803-0613 (Spanish - Toll Free)

400 South Street
Titusville, FL 32780

2725 Judge Fran
Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940

1515 Sarno Road
Melbourne, FL 32935

Palm Bay
450 Cogan Drive SE
Palm Bay, FL 32909